but we cannot chat long..as tomorrow morning I got tennis with Jescy(one of my TARC classmate)..haha...long time din play tennis d...plus tomorrow I will be sifu!!haha..cos Jescy dono how to play...so I will teach her...haha...very nice to have tennis early in d morning...exercise ma...healthy ma...haha...but I oso hope that tomorrow I can wake up..takut tidur macam babi...haha...
so I really last minute study..friday already start study BEC but not yet finish study as that afternoon,my bf make me angry and sad..then around 6.45pm,he come to my house and pujuk me and promise to belanja me eat Secret Recepi cake...hoorey!!he owe me a cake..haha...
saturday..continue back BEC as I haven't finish study..but that saturday afternoon after my bf off,we take a walk in Jusco Maluri as I study so stress plus he already promise me belanja Secret Recepi cake...so we go Jusco eat cake and have our lunch as well...after that,we go play in Jusco arcade..we play the finding differences machine there where u put 1 token,then choose 'puzzle' and then choose 'photo Y2K' and then choose whether u playing one player or two player..after that game start...find 5 diferrence and move stage by stage..but that game only have 20 stage..me n my bf settle 20 stage..haha...but u can fight the top score la..we able to go through all the stage but not able to fight the top score...sigh....after that go yam cha,then chat with my bf..around 12am,reach home..sleep...no study!haha...
on sunday,no study as well as that day we went to PC Fair at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center...go out around 9am as we want eat breakfast togeter..actually we want to go to Handphone Fair that held in PGRM,Maluri around 10am...but when we finish eat,already 10.30am and we also plan that faster settle in PC Fair as my bf want but web cam and microphone for his sister..after that,then will go Pavilion watch movie..so we din't go that Handphone Fair..when reach that PC Fair,I saw my tuition friend called Kamen Lim that one of the top 10 in Miss Astro 2008..she working there..after that,we walk and walk and walk till we are tired,leg pain and hungry!!haha...around 3pm.we start walking to Pavilion from KLCC..we go food court eat Herbal Soup stall..we order set..got herbal soup,vegetable,chicken and rice..RM9.90 only!!cheap cheap as the food very damn nice...haha...we watch 'The Day The Earth Stood Still'..the movie was quite nice...and the hero very leng chai too...haha..after that go Times Square eat KFC..then go home...sleep...and no study oso!!haha...
monday..wake up late...by right I got 11am class but I wake up on 11.30am..haha...so skip class...haha...so I go for 4.30pm class jeh..in between that time,I din't touch the book at all...so no study oso!!haha..after come back from college,I stil have time to online chatting,check mail but no time for study...haha..around 10pm,then only I open BEC notes and study..finish all chapter BEC on 1am...den sleep...haha...
today...I got 8am BMP tutorial class and today is my bf fetch me go college..but we both oso wake up at 7.30am!!half an hour time to prepare and go college!!!OMG!!but at the end I manage to reach college at 8.05am..late abit jeh..ok geh...haha...so BMP test settle..after that,economic class at 11.30am..the test is all short answer question...die!! but at the end, I able to answer all...but I do not know wrong or not la as our tutor very straight...ai...but at least BMP and BEC settle!!relex abit...after BEC class,me,mei hooi,jescy,woei kang,michelle,ivy,wen yuan,janice and ray go TBR eat..while eating,woei kang said that he having a birthday party on this sunday and invite all our classmate to go..but still on discussion...after that go back college and suffer as law test begin!!waaaa.....die!!as i haven't touch at all the law....during the law lecture,OMG!!the lecturer so many cakap and keep on wasting time..say cannot go toilet during test la..give 5 minute go to toilet la...then count the time 2.5minutes...i never saw people count time till like that de lo...2.5minutes!!haha...then put all back in front lecture hall la..so ma fan!!and because of putting beg in front,I cannot cheat!!haha...but luckily,at the end I able to putting all the rubbish inside my answer..correct or not..aiya..dun wan fan la..haha...nw jus wan relex!!haha...
6 dec and 7 dec..
6 dec 08
-->plan go education fair at PWTC as I'm looking for college in degree courses..
-->around 1pm out..1st,out for lunch..lunch at KFC,The Mall near PWTC..
-->then around 3pm reach PWTC education fair and start looking and busy asking for the info regarding my degree courses..
-->the most attractive and I probably plan to go is Segi College,KL;Stamford College,PJ;Open University,KL...but all this not sure yet as financial problem..aiya...dono what to do ar.....pening..pening...
-->after that,around 6pm we go Times Square get our dinner and watch movie..
-->our dinner is VIVO Piza that new in Times Square..the restaurant is about Italian piza and Panini..
-->Panini is something like burger but the bread is not normal burger bread...aiya..dono hw 2 explain here la..u all go c la..
-->that time we eat piza..quite expensive than pizza hut..we eat 1 pizza that got 6 slides of pizza, 1 greentea latte and 1 cappucino..RM 39.05..but overall ok la..environment nice..piza nice..service nice...janji all nice la!!!hahaha.......
-->then we watch movie...Transporter 3...that movie just nice but the heroin not pretty wan as my bf said la..but this movie 18PL..so all below 18,dun go watch ya!!dun go and dun buy CD oso!!
-->after that around 12am,go home and sleep..
7 dec 08
-->wake up around 6.30am as that day my bf and I plan go zoo negara..
-->last few weeks plan wan go already but 1st week,I fall sick..plan cancel..2nd week,he fall sick..cancel again...3rd time,I sick again..cancel again...then 4th week,both of us healthy,no sick..baru la plan jadi..finally,we can go zoo...haha..
-->around 7am out..take breakfast at Restaurant OK,Pandan Jaya..both of us eat wantan mee, 1 cup milo and 1 cup kopi'o...
-->while having our breakfast,v saw The Star head news regarding the tanah runtuh at Bukit Antarabangsa..start read the sad news..and think that its happen on saturday 3.30am,during that time I was busy online chatting with my friend and laughing and smiling..while my bf,was laughing with his friend at mamak stall but at there is sad and cemas and scare and probably crying..sometimes this kind of things is really unexpected..
-->9am,go bus stop and take bus go to Maluri..actually we plan to take lrt to Plaza Rakyat station,then walk to Central Market to take Metrobus to go zoo...
-->since our breakfast place near bus stop than lrt station..then we decided to take bus go Maluri station as I got MTC (montly travel card) from Rapid..so no need pay anything for the bus..
-->after that,when we reach Maluri bus stop,start raining...shit...thought plan gonna cancel again..but while we inside the tren heading to Pudu station,v saw that the sky in KL area was nice and not raining at all..so plan proceed..haha..
-->after reach that station,v start walking to behind Central Market and find the Metrobus number 16..is behind bus stop not in front bus stop as the bus only jalan behind...RM2 per person to go zoo...
-->around 12pm v reach zoo because the bus jalan oso need around 1 hour..and finally v make it!!reach zoo......haha......
-->at there i saw alot unknown animal and wondering 'how I gonna answer my child if they ask me what is that animal?'..aiya...hard to be parents ya!!haha...
-->after few hour v visit zoo,v have buy sumtin to eat..at Savannah Walk (1 of the place inside zoo) got 1 small stall selling snacks such as ice-cream,and oso have nuggets..but dis stall selling things very expensive..v bought nuggets that got 6 pieces only-->RM4 man!!and more shock is that the nuggets packaging is totally different from display..the display is using plastic cup and inside can fit around 7-8 pieces but what they give as is packaging in small paper bag and only 6 pieces!!ai..but actually is already expected that inside zoo selling food sure very expensive wan..be prepare ya!!
-->few hour later,v saw a different stall that selling snacks and oso heavy food such as burger and maggi and oso corn in cup as well..burger expensive..maggi can't see the price but alot people eat maggi wo..corn in cup RM 2.50 (standard price) but tak sedap wan..haha..at there we oso got buy big mineral water cost RM 3.50 (mahal man!!) and ice-cream RM2 (ok ok la the price)..v just buy ice-cream,mineral water and corn in cup..that's is our lunch actually..then we continue our journey...hehe....
Lou kong eating corn in cup..
-->when we almost walk finish the whole zoo,suddenly my bf suggest go to photo corner and take picture with the snake and pony..that place is the place where the visitor can actually take photo with animal that the zoo offer that time..that day,they got snake and pony..just pay RM20..they will take 1 shot picture using their camera for each animal and print photo and then free 3 shot using own camera each animal..actually the price offer are very nice as there was a huge and big and and heavy and scary ular sawa waiting for us!!ok..
-->1st,v take picture with the pony...ok..everything just fine...nice picture and nice smile...good...
-->then 2nd, snake!!huge and heavy ular sawa take picture with us!!OMG!!during that time I was screaming like hell!!a lot people watching at me and laughing!!i dun care..because what I know that time is the snake!!at the end,I go for it although I almost cry as snake is the animal that I most scare!!when in charge person putting the snake onto my shoulder,it was damn heavy!!!I dono how many kilo chicken 'she'(snake betina) eat..my bf holding its head and the snake body almost the end part was on my shoulder..when I hold the snake body and feel its skin,it was very geli and feel like bersisik summore...janji...eeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....but at the end,v able to smile and take the nice picture and selamat step out from zoo...haha...
-->after that photo corner,v go take a train provided by zoo that convenience for people to see the animal rather than u walk and walk...but I suggest that walk is better as u can see clearer the animal and can read the animal information on board..plus walking is a good exercise as well...hehe..
-->actually if u all plan wan go zoo,need 2 prepare early because in order to jalan habis the whole zoo v actually use 5 hour+!!from 12pm+ v reach,6pm v back...during that time,our leg was pain and tired and hungry as well...but the day never end here...
-->after the zoo,v actually plan to go Pavilion,Kuala Lumpur to watch 3D movie Bolt..v go with the leg pain and stomach empty...hehe..
-->v actually take bus from Zoo Negara,Rapid U23 to Chow Kit monorail station so that v can take monorail to Bukit Bintang station that near Pavilion..bus free (Monthly Travel Card)..monorail from Chow Kit to Bukit Bintang was RM1.60...
-->reach Pavilion,1st things 1st is take picture because the Pavilion chrismas tree(main entrance)was so nice..I love it..the colour of the tree and the Pavilion structure was so prefect and make me feel it totally high class,nice,attractive,classical, and watever la..janji I suka...haha...
-->after that,we go buy movie ticket..our movie show time was on around 9.30pm..price for movie,RM20 per person as the movie is 3D and v take couple seats...so price will expensive...
-->the time was 8pm,v have 1 1/2 hour to go..so v go Pavilion food court and have our nice dinner...we eat at Herbal Soup stall...we ordering set meal that only cost RM9.90 per set..the set got herbal soup,chicken meat and sayur a bit and 1 bowl rice..the herbal was damn nice!!cukup rasa,cukup material and nice!!even the chicken,they give alot and sedap oso..cukup rasa and the chicken not to keras and not to lembik..it jus nice...my dear eat 2 1/2 bowl of rice and me 1 1/2 bowl of rice...all RM22+...kenyang and satisfaction...haha...
-->after jalan jalan awhile,is time the movie on...before the hall open,this is I most angry....v plan wan get sum hot drinks from GSC...u know what the staff told us..they said 'tak ada air panas'...this statement I already heard since last 2 months that I also go there watch movie...means this 2 months no hot water!!!WTF!!!Pavilion KL man!!if GSC Leisure Mall happen such problem,I can understand..but this is Pavilion KL man...main city...fikir la GSC oii!!!ada ke cakap dengan orang that tak ada air panas??such basic things u knows!!
-->plus GSC Pavilion do provide a lot counters for people to buy their snacks but at end they will never open all or open more than 5 counters during weekends or public holidays as these time is the most people go for movies...ai..
-->but at end,v buy from Glitters..expensive..coffee (coffee not full in 1 plastic cup) RM4+...GSC only offer RM2.20 but is nescafe la..u all see la why I'm so angry...ai...
-->after that movie,v walk to Hang Tuah station to take lrt back home...around 12am reach home..prepare for sleep...
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My Blog List
Why Good Employees Leave?12 years ago
Because of all of u12 years ago
Stepping out from the comfort zone13 years ago
Being a Powerful Victor14 years ago