Last night,I was going to Berjaya Times Square to watch movie with my boyfriend..actually according to Joey Yap(that feng shui guy)..he say 25 Feb 09 is bad day..but dono la..depends on each person want believe it or not...
B4 watch movie,we go to U-Village Hong Kong style restaurant to have our dinner..while eating,I was looking at 1 'lala' girl..she is pretty..wearing nice..holding nice handphone as well..physical look quite pretty...but who know...after she finish eating..she take out 'ROKOK'...I was like 'OMG'...tak boleh dipercayai...pompuan cantik tapi merokok!!!
Besides that,my bf n I was chatting on what happen on his colleague today because on the afternoon,my bf msn me say that his colleague (Admin Head) accident...motor langgar pastu lari..sial punya motor..langgar her leg n can see BONE want...OMG!! quite serious...accident happen at in front Magnum Taman Maluri, Cheras..she cannot move until the ambulan
After eat,go Low Yat Plaza buying things and then survey on the item that we plan to buy..we are searching a portable dvd player that dun wan screen wan..can say old stuff search over
Got one of the people in Low Yat recommend us go Sg Wang search....look at the watch....still got time.....apa lagi.....jalan........finally, within our nice..all the salesgirl test the player for us...take 1st new player,some part broken take another new wan...2nd player,ok..physical look ok...when test,'Open/Close' button cannot take new wan..3rd player,ok..physical look ok...'Open/Close' button also ok...then the salesgirl put DVD inside and test...the way she put,very KASAR...just press hardly the DVD inside player!!!press HARDLY u know!!!takut sangat DVD tu tak jalan!!!after that,ok...DVD can open..all nice nice...then try DVD-R,that salesgirl,PRESS again.....player tak rosak pun jadi rosak!!da sah dia tak pandai dengan product macam ni......kenapa lah boss dia boleh upah dia...nak kata cantik,tak lah sangat...nak kata pandai cakap,tak lah sangat...tak tau the end,when we saw like that,we dun wan d......scare.....haha.....
After that,went to Times Square again,watch movie...Valkyrie...starring by Tom quite ok ok...just ok..this movie is history type...since I dono the Jerman when I was this movie,just ok ok...but if u know the history very well,4 sure,this movie ok 4 u....when I step in Hall 6 (the cinema hall),very very damn cold...lucky I bring jacket...but lah...this jacket is share by two and my bf...hahahahaha.....really cold.....settle movie...take cap go home...
not home la...
is mamak...hehe..
near our house...
At there, again...I eat only lah...he din eat...he on diet...hehe....=P..order maggi goreng mata favorite...haha....settle,...go home..this time really go home...haha...
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Why Good Employees Leave?12 years ago
Because of all of u12 years ago
Stepping out from the comfort zone13 years ago
Being a Powerful Victor14 years ago
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